Saturday, July 3, 2010

So glad hair grows!

I've been way over due for a hair cut and dying my hair (I have waaay too many grays) so I just went out quickly tonight to get it cut and I was going to get my bangs cut too, just to the side not straight across......buuuut he cut my hair much shorter than I would have liked so I decided to keep my mouth shut about the bangs before that was a mess too. It's short and it's going to take some getting used to, and I know I'm going to hear "oh you cut your hair" like 80 times but oh well. Though I did try a different shade of dye, and it was perfect. :)

At least hair grows...


Kara said...

AMY- I love it! I think it looks soo cute! That look is really in now anyway! Is it a bob? I did my hair like that a few months ago but it grew out really fast. So yours might grow fast too, but I think its fun to try something new too :)

Amy P. said...

Thanks!! It's not quite a bob, it's a little longer. Your's was that short?? Yea it already feels like it grew in less than a week! It does feel good though, as hot as it's been!

Kara said...

No mine was def not that short ;) but I still did the bob kind of style with it a little longer in front, I like the angles and so I still have that going but mine's already an inch or so past my shoulders! Haha I think my hair grows way too fast. Glad you're at least enjoying it a bit more now!